Saturday, April 28, 2012

Baby in the tram

During my pregnancy I especially noticed how people with babies manage their prams and little ones in the tram, and it all looked very convenient. For the first two months it really was convenient for me as well, because my baby used to peacefully sleep in his pram. However, as soon as he went over two months he began to wake up, and when he woke up he cried unconsolably. His problem - "Hold me! Why have you trapped me in this stupid seat?"
I again looked around helplessly at other people who had calm and silent babies peacefully sucking on their pacifiers sitting in their prams. Mine wouldn't even try his dummy. As if this crying was not enough, I was introduced to a new rule about trams that I was previously unaware of. The tram doesn't allow more than two children buggies at one time. Some tram conductors are kind enough to let a third one enter, but others just shut the door on you, and you are left outside waiting another ten minutes for the next tram with a crying baby.
I honestly thought that my days of going out have ended, but today magically, when my baby is three months old, he reached a new milestone of remaining calm in his buggy. He was queit all the way from my house to Prinsengracht, a good 25 minutes journey.
I can't be happier! Just hope it remains this way for years to come.
All smiles :)))

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